Ep. 28: Superfruity Cocktails


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May 19th, 2017 - What do you get when you mix singing superstars Mitch Grassi and Scott Hoying (of Superfruit & Pentatonix) with 4 incredible fruit-based cocktails?  Add a dash of Gaga, your first alcoholic beverage, a game of "Name That Fruit" and the weirdest thing you've ever eaten and shake with a couple of Jeffs...pour over ice and enjoy!

Ever dream of sitting down for cocktails and conversation with two of your favorite pop stars?  It might sound something like this.

Guest: Superfruit (Mitch GrassiScott Hoying)
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Cocktails - (Recipes)
Serrano Pineapple Margarita
Grapefruit Elderflower Mimosa
Kiwi Mojito
Watermelon Basil Vodka Soda (made with Loft & Bear vodka)

Game: Name That Fruit! (Play Along)